Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Coordinating Conjunctions into a Dialogue

Dina      : Hi Kiki! How are you?
Kiki       : Hi Dina! Good! Thanks.
Dina      : Tomorrow is Bella Birthday, and  she wants celebrate her birthday.
Kiki       : Oh I know that.
Dina      : Will you go to her party, or you had another plan?
Kiki       : Of course! I will go to the party. How about Fino?
Dina      : Fino said he had a soccer game, but he will come although late.
Kiki       : Fino had a soccer game? He said he could not play soccer, yet he had soccer game. Long time no see Fino, I think he is different now.
Dina      : Many changes with Fino, for he is not weird anymore.
Kiki       : That’s a good news.
Dina      : Fino had a surprises for Bella, this is very secret, so please don’t tell anyone about this
Kiki       : Are you not joking Dina? Fino turned to romantic? That was so unbelievable.
Dina      : Of course Kiki! I'm not joking.
Kiki       : Okay Dina, I have to go home now. See you tomorrow Dina!
Kiki       : Okay, see ya.

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